Glory Be what a morning! Can you feel the continued Diamond Light & Love pouring into Gaia and the global Life’s consciousness? Delicious! I woke up this morning feeling another marvelous upgrade having been in an expanded multidimensional state for a few days. The expansion and removal of more veils on a planetary level continues. Promise of Divine Freedom and our full Resurrection sings in the air, and glistens in the sunlight. I invite you to pause and feel these amazing energies. Breathe them in. Rejoice in their promise of Divine Freedom for all who are choosing the ascension/resurrection pathway. This Read More
Tag: nature whisperer
New Year Inspiration
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Well another year come and gone. And what a year it was! Now we step into 2025 which promises to be a year of fulfillment. So I encourage you all to open your hearts and feel the receiving, the fulfillment of your dreams and Divine Mission. I received the inspiration that I am sharing below on Christmas morning as I was sitting all bundled up outside on our patio. The sky was brilliant blue with natural clouds and ship clouds spotting it as far as the eye could see. I love such days and often settle in for Read More
Overlighting Deva Speaks of Change
Greetings Emmaray. I am Grateful that you heard my call to come and visit our forest. There are massive changes coming. Major changes. Incredible changes coming to the Earth at this time. Some of humanity is aware of this, most however are not yet. We in the kingdoms/queendoms of Nature, the Overlights, and all who live here, are very aware of what is upon us, and we are taking a deep breath in such gratitude that we are and yet we know, this next year, these next years are going to be so filled with change, rapid change, that it will Read More
Learning Deep Listening with Nature
In this world of such beauty and wisdom, listening is such both a Joy and a great conduit for receiving Divine wisdom. Many friends remark to me on a regular basis, Emmaray you are so clear and hear so much. We all have many senses to explore and communicate with Nature with Life, and as a bridge and messenger I find that listening through them all is the baseline that allows the messages to free flow in clarity and joy. In this video I share some of my greater awareness of learning to deeply listen and comprehend the amazing conversations that Read More
Consciousness of the Elements ~ Anchoring the Harmony Grids
When I first moved to Lincoln City, Oregon in 2016 I was asked by the Company of Heaven and my Presence to be of Service from the Earth plain to assist in the stabilization of the Cascadian Subduction Zone that runs along the Pacific Northwest coastline. I was asked to purify and harmonize these energies, in essence raising the outcome of the coastline to a higher outcome eliminating the necessity of a major earthquake. In conjunction with this I was Serving as part of an embodied trinity who were activity anchoring the Harmony Grids worldwide. Various grids have been anchored over Read More
A Song From the Trees
This song came to me while writing a chapter of my children’s book “A Walk in the Forest with Ishnahnay the Wolfdog”. The trees (and Ishnahnay) suggested that I share it in the book and as a separate post. So here you go. Enjoy! ∞♥∞♥∞ Trees of the forest, trees of the land. We come here together to make our stand. To give life a place to live and grow. We embrace in Love everything that we know. We trees are powerful friends, healers, and givers of sustenance. We also are grateful to be loved and respected by those who visit Read More
The Reflective Nature of Water
Greetings and blessings. This is a brief video chat that I created at a beautiful place called Spring Lake, located in Lincoln City, Oregon. On this amazing day, the energy of the elements was very calm, enabling me to share a awareness that I have regarding the reflective nature of water. We live in a reflective universe where what we create comes back to us. Water in her essence nurtures us through her amazing reflective nature, speaking to us on so many levels simultaneously. This awareness is a wonderful step in your/our ability to consciously communicate with Nature. Both our own Read More
In Gratitude to Gaia and Mother Nature
Today In the United States, Thanksgiving is once again being celebrated. A day focused on gratitude and the celebration of abundance through feasting. While I suggest that being in gratitude for the blessings of Life everyday is a blessing in itself, today I am choosing to embrace Gaia & Mother Nature in my all-encompassing Love and Appreciation. For where indeed would our lives be without them? For starters without Gaia, who is the soul Presence of Earth, we would be living our soul experience elsewhere in the Universe or Multiverse. Yes, this amazing planet where we currently call home, has a Read More
Love Over Fear – A Inner Awareness
How do we embrace Love over fear in these transitional times? Over the past few months I have been paying more and more attention to when I am feeling bright and Light & when I have been feeling ill at ease. When I have tracked the dis-ease within me, that which is moving me out of inner peace, I was finding the energy of the fear of death in my energetic field. Hmm, how interesting I thought. As a walk-in I am fully aware that there is no such thing as death, so why the fear? Going deeper I became more Read More
Breathe & Relax Process to Assist Animals
Breathing and relaxing are two extremely beneficial steps for coming into inner peace and awareness. In this video I discussed some simple steps for assisting your companion animals, wild animals or children in your care to relax and know that they are safe. These simple steps are especially helpful in assisting rescue animals and others who have or are experiencing traumatic experiences. To breathe and relax is also of deep importance and benefit to those doing the rescuing. The breath and lungs are the seat of the Holy Spirit within our bodies. The breath is also our direct connection to God/Creator. Read More