Hearing & Answering the Calls for Assistance

We can’t keep going on like this! This was a call for help from the realms of Nature during the night.  Lying on my side in bed, I looked out the window into the morning sky, listening to the Field and asking for clear recall of the memory.  In this instance, the call was coming from the water element, the rivers, oceans, and all those who call the water their home, which indeed is everyone in one way or another. As water is within us all, every embodied form on Gaia, a call for assistance from the water truly pertains to Read More

Redreaming Your Past for a Better Tomorrow – Interview

In this this interview Bev Brinn founder of the Bless All Life Council and I speak of The Nature Whisperer and my new program on Redreaming. What is redreaming you might ask? Listen to the interview below for a fun conversation on the subject. Then, to learn more specifics about this fabulous program, including how to purchase it, please visit The Redreaming Program page. Thank you & Enjoy! ~ Emmaray Kumara ∞ ♥ ∞ Read More

Invoking the Light/Love Realms of Magic

The Realms of Magic have long been hiding, serving behind the scenes and from other dimensions.  Always present with the Nature Realms, doing their best to assist them in the midst of the great discord that humanity had created within Mother Nature.    Now all are rejoicing as Earth/Gaia’s ascension unfolds victoriously in the Light!  There is such gratitude to all those who are choosing the positive polarity of Light/Love and a Reverence for all of Life! ♥ Consciously connecting with the various realms can be done in many ways.  The invocation that follows is beautiful for gatherings, ceremonies and creating a Read More

Spiritual Advocacy – Decrees for Humanity and Gaia

This first decree calls in the immaculate concept of all the Life forms that are a part of Earth/Gaia’s family.  Sustained victoriously is calling in the mighty power of Victory and commands that this essence be sustained ongoing with the assistance of Divine Grace.  Divine Grace is receiving forgiveness and assistance beyond what humanity has earned by their actions. ♥ Read More