Mystery & Magic of Gaia’s Living Library QC Event

Have you ever heard the term the Living Library?  It is a place where we can go and learn the greatest wisdom of the Universe and even Multiverses.  One such place is Gaia/Mother Earth and the Realms of Nature. Gaia is a schoolhouse, a living library where we learn through direct experiences. Mother Nature holds all the clues to the magic of Creation and her Realms are our partners in recognizing them and remembering how to play, to create in this great microcosm of the vast macrocosm of Creation. She, the Living Library, is filled with Divine Magic and the answers Read More

Message From the Overlighting Devas

… and who wish to learn more about us. We have long awaited this time for the greater population of Mother Earth/Gaia to remember us and all the nature spirits existence and our intricate part in the creation of all that is in form; for all of form is part of Nature. There are a variety of places on Gaia at this time where we are deeply acknowledged and consciously brought into the creative process. Findhorn in Scotland is one of the more famous. We also acknowledge that there are individuals who are deeply connected with Spirit and with Gaia who Read More

Daily Consecration Prayer for Upliftment

In these powerful times I find it so helpful to set my energetic intentions for each day. This beautiful Invocation was given to me as part this Divine process and it was initially shared through the Bless All Life Council I invite you to enjoy it everyday for your personal upliftment and service to Mother Earth and all of her Life. Perhaps you will also find it helps you to create and live a more peaceful and harmonious day. May All Be Blessed.  Read More

Learning Deep Listening with Nature

In this world of such beauty and wisdom, listening is such both a Joy and a great conduit for receiving Divine wisdom. Many friends remark to me on a regular basis, Emmaray you are so clear and hear so much. We all have many senses to explore and communicate with Nature with Life, and as a bridge and messenger I find that listening through them all is the baseline that allows the messages to free flow in clarity and joy.  In this video I share some of my greater awareness of learning to deeply listen and comprehend the amazing conversations that Read More

Hearing & Answering the Calls for Assistance

We can’t keep going on like this! This was a call for help from the realms of Nature during the night.  Lying on my side in bed, I looked out the window into the morning sky, listening to the Field and asking for clear recall of the memory.  In this instance, the call was coming from the water element, the rivers, oceans, and all those who call the water their home, which indeed is everyone in one way or another. As water is within us all, every embodied form on Gaia, a call for assistance from the water truly pertains to Read More