In these powerful times I find it so helpful to set my energetic intentions for each day. This beautiful Invocation was given to me as part this Divine process and it was initially shared through the Bless All Life Council I invite you to enjoy it everyday for your personal upliftment and service to Mother Earth and all of her Life. Perhaps you will also find it helps you to create and live a more peaceful and harmonious day. May All Be Blessed. Read More
Category: Decrees and Invocations
Hearing & Answering the Calls for Assistance
We can’t keep going on like this! This was a call for help from the realms of Nature during the night. Lying on my side in bed, I looked out the window into the morning sky, listening to the Field and asking for clear recall of the memory. In this instance, the call was coming from the water element, the rivers, oceans, and all those who call the water their home, which indeed is everyone in one way or another. As water is within us all, every embodied form on Gaia, a call for assistance from the water truly pertains to Read More
Invoking the Light/Love Realms of Magic
The Realms of Magic have long been hiding, serving behind the scenes and from other dimensions. Always present with the Nature Realms, doing their best to assist them in the midst of the great discord that humanity had created within Mother Nature. Now all are rejoicing as Earth/Gaia’s ascension unfolds victoriously in the Light! There is such gratitude to all those who are choosing the positive polarity of Light/Love and a Reverence for all of Life! ♥ Consciously connecting with the various realms can be done in many ways. The invocation that follows is beautiful for gatherings, ceremonies and creating a Read More
Decree for the Restoration of Holy Innocence in All of Life!
In these great and challenging times of releasing the old paradigm of fear and embracing the polarity of Love and Light which complement one another and uplift all of Life, a cry for the restoration of the Holy Innocence is ringing out. Being pure of heart and embodying the Holy Innocence is a natural state of being for all of humanity and all of God’s creatures. Yet for many, this great essence of Love and Joy has been greatly depleted or lost altogether through the brutality of living in the polarity of fear and love – the Tree of Knowledge. However, Read More
Summer Solstice and Eclipse 2020 Blessing
Greetings and Blessings to all on this beautiful trinity of days we now find ourselves in; the 2020 Summer Solstice and Lunar Eclipse. What powerful times for creation from our hearts through Love we are now in! In Love I am reaching out to you and to All of Life to say thank you for Being and for Awakening. Thank you for Being and Advocating for a Light and Love filled New Earth daily experiences as individuals and global, universal communities. Indeed it is true that what we focus on with feelings is what we create more and more tangibly everyday. Read More
Water is Conscious – Sing the Water Song
“Water is the Life Blood of Gaia, Mother Earth. Water is the Life Blood of our own body.” When we sing to our love out into the world, all of Life hears us and responds. All Life is conscious, including the elements. Nature is energetically responsive, meaning whatever energy we send out to her, she responds in kind. Thus Love, Respect and Kindness, begets Love, Respect and Kindness in return. Water and wind show us this responsiveness quickly and remind us of the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. While in the days of Read More
Decree Calling for Freedom of Elements and Elementals
The restoration of our ability to be in conscious communication with nature also involves the restoration of our conscious communication with the higher realms of Creation, those which are often referred to as the Company or Host of Heaven. Nature is in constant communication with God and the Company of Heaven, and yet it is we humans that have a great ability to see the imbalances of the world and create clarion calls to Mother/Father/God for assistance to all of Life. Being aware of the voices of nature, allows us to be advocates and stewards of life on a multi-dimensional level. Read More