Redreaming Your Past for a Better Tomorrow – Interview

In this this interview Bev Brinn founder of the Bless All Life Council and I speak of The Nature Whisperer and my new program on Redreaming. What is redreaming you might ask? Listen to the interview below for a fun conversation on the subject. Then, to learn more specifics about this fabulous program, including how to purchase it, please visit The Redreaming Program page. Thank you & Enjoy! ~ Emmaray Kumara ∞ ♥ ∞ Read More

Decree for the Restoration of Holy Innocence in All of Life!

In these great and challenging times of releasing the old paradigm of fear and embracing the polarity of Love and Light which complement one another and uplift all of Life, a cry for the restoration of the Holy Innocence is ringing out. Being pure of heart and embodying the Holy Innocence is a natural state of being for all of humanity and all of God’s creatures. Yet for many, this great essence of Love and Joy has been greatly depleted or lost altogether through the brutality of living in the polarity of fear and love – the Tree of Knowledge.   However, Read More