Cosmic Truth ~ Oneness Summit Continues

Greetings & Blessings to All 🌞 I send you my Love from the UK & Ireland where I am currently traveling and connecting deeply with the amazing Nature realms of this region. Such beauty and so many who are activity seeking the Cosmic Truth of Life to be restored to our awakened consciousness. In these great times of change, the Illumined Truth ~ Cosmic Truth is calling to every Soul/Spirit in form on our beautiful planet. Are you ready to receive a greater expansion of Cosmic Truth knowledge? Can You feel the call ? We are in the midst of the Read More

Learning Deep Listening with Nature

In this world of such beauty and wisdom, listening is such both a Joy and a great conduit for receiving Divine wisdom. Many friends remark to me on a regular basis, Emmaray you are so clear and hear so much. We all have many senses to explore and communicate with Nature with Life, and as a bridge and messenger I find that listening through them all is the baseline that allows the messages to free flow in clarity and joy.  In this video I share some of my greater awareness of learning to deeply listen and comprehend the amazing conversations that Read More