Consciousness of the Elements ~ Anchoring the Harmony Grids

When I first moved to Lincoln City, Oregon in 2016 I was asked by the Company of Heaven and my Presence to be of Service from the Earth plain to assist in the stabilization of the Cascadian Subduction Zone that runs along the Pacific Northwest coastline.   I was asked to purify and harmonize these energies, in essence raising the outcome of the coastline to a higher outcome eliminating the necessity of a major earthquake. In conjunction with this I was Serving as part of an embodied trinity who were activity anchoring the Harmony Grids worldwide.  Various grids have been anchored over Read More

Spiritual Advocacy – Decrees for Humanity and Gaia

This first decree calls in the immaculate concept of all the Life forms that are a part of Earth/Gaia’s family.  Sustained victoriously is calling in the mighty power of Victory and commands that this essence be sustained ongoing with the assistance of Divine Grace.  Divine Grace is receiving forgiveness and assistance beyond what humanity has earned by their actions. ♥ Read More