The Reflective Nature of Water

Greetings and blessings. This is a brief video chat that I created at a beautiful place called Spring Lake, located in Lincoln City, Oregon. On this amazing day, the energy of the elements was very calm, enabling me to share a awareness that I have regarding the reflective nature of water. We live in a reflective universe where what we create comes back to us. Water in her essence nurtures us through her amazing reflective nature, speaking to us on so many levels simultaneously. This awareness is a wonderful step in your/our ability to consciously communicate with Nature. Both our own Read More

Love Over Fear – A Inner Awareness

How do we embrace Love over fear in these transitional times? Over the past few months I have been paying more and more attention to when I am feeling bright and Light & when I have been feeling ill at ease.  When I have tracked the dis-ease within me, that which is moving me out of inner peace, I was finding the energy of the fear of death in my energetic field.  Hmm, how interesting I thought.  As a walk-in I am fully aware that there is no such thing as death, so why the fear?  Going deeper I became more Read More

Rejoicing and Finding Balance Through Inner Understanding pt1

Yesterday we had a glorious sunny day here on the Oregon Coast (Lincoln County) and every rejoiced and took in the radiance pouring down from the heavens.  What a blessed shift from the gray of winter and early spring.  We love the rain, of course, or we wouldn’t live here.  But the arrival of sunshine brings balance to our bodies and smiles to our faces! I completed my celebration of the day with a walk through Spring Pond near my home. What I was delighted to discover was the party that Nature was having within this blessed area.  The plant life Read More