The Importance of Strengthening Our Immune Systems – A Personal Story

Greetings to all. A friend asked me to made this video of my life focus on the restoration of my whole immune system and how important it is for people to become more self aware and holistically strong and balanced in these challenging times. My Journey From a Weak to Strong Immune System Having a strong and balanced immune system involves our entire multibody system, emotional, mental, and physical. So while in mainstream medical applications the focus is all on the physical, the mental and emotional bodies (what we think and feel) plays an enormous role in our overall well-being. My Read More

Rejoicing and Finding Balance Through Inner Understanding pt1

Yesterday we had a glorious sunny day here on the Oregon Coast (Lincoln County) and every rejoiced and took in the radiance pouring down from the heavens.  What a blessed shift from the gray of winter and early spring.  We love the rain, of course, or we wouldn’t live here.  But the arrival of sunshine brings balance to our bodies and smiles to our faces! I completed my celebration of the day with a walk through Spring Pond near my home. What I was delighted to discover was the party that Nature was having within this blessed area.  The plant life Read More