Glory Be … What a Morning! Our Ascension Accelerates

Glory Be what a morning!  Can you feel the continued Diamond Light & Love pouring into Gaia and the global Life’s consciousness?  Delicious!  I woke up this morning feeling another marvelous upgrade having been in an expanded multidimensional state for a few days.  The expansion and removal of more veils on a planetary level continues.  Promise of Divine Freedom and our full Resurrection sings in the air, and glistens in the sunlight. I invite you to pause and feel these amazing energies.  Breathe them in.  Rejoice in their promise of Divine Freedom for all who are choosing the ascension/resurrection pathway.  This Read More

Consciousness of the Elements ~ Anchoring the Harmony Grids

When I first moved to Lincoln City, Oregon in 2016 I was asked by the Company of Heaven and my Presence to be of Service from the Earth plain to assist in the stabilization of the Cascadian Subduction Zone that runs along the Pacific Northwest coastline.   I was asked to purify and harmonize these energies, in essence raising the outcome of the coastline to a higher outcome eliminating the necessity of a major earthquake. In conjunction with this I was Serving as part of an embodied trinity who were activity anchoring the Harmony Grids worldwide.  Various grids have been anchored over Read More

The Reflective Nature of Water

Greetings and blessings. This is a brief video chat that I created at a beautiful place called Spring Lake, located in Lincoln City, Oregon. On this amazing day, the energy of the elements was very calm, enabling me to share a awareness that I have regarding the reflective nature of water. We live in a reflective universe where what we create comes back to us. Water in her essence nurtures us through her amazing reflective nature, speaking to us on so many levels simultaneously. This awareness is a wonderful step in your/our ability to consciously communicate with Nature. Both our own Read More

Invoking the Light/Love Realms of Magic

The Realms of Magic have long been hiding, serving behind the scenes and from other dimensions.  Always present with the Nature Realms, doing their best to assist them in the midst of the great discord that humanity had created within Mother Nature.    Now all are rejoicing as Earth/Gaia’s ascension unfolds victoriously in the Light!  There is such gratitude to all those who are choosing the positive polarity of Light/Love and a Reverence for all of Life! ♥ Consciously connecting with the various realms can be done in many ways.  The invocation that follows is beautiful for gatherings, ceremonies and creating a Read More

Consciously Connecting with Nature for Your Upliftment and Spiritual Expansion

The kingdoms of Nature are part of our extended family.  They are wise and continuously sharing Divine Genius and Wisdom.  Friends and teachers abound in Nature and with open hearts they open and receive all who wish to join them each day in communion through Divine Love. This video is my second created in a more casual  format as I am learning how to just share what I know and what I am being gifted to share with you all in the moment.   Read More

Water is Conscious – Sing the Water Song

“Water is the Life Blood of Gaia, Mother Earth.  Water is the Life Blood of our own body.” When we sing to our love out into the world, all of Life hears us and responds.  All Life is conscious, including the elements.  Nature is energetically responsive, meaning whatever energy we send out to her, she responds in kind. Thus Love, Respect and Kindness, begets Love, Respect and Kindness in return.  Water and wind show us this responsiveness quickly and remind us of the Golden Rule.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. While in the days of Read More

Consciousness of Water Responding to Harmony Song

  ♥ I invite you to take a journey with me into the consciousness of water, and that of the elements that make up all form on Earth.  Doing so is the golden pathway of co-creating Heaven on Earth. ♥ … Winter was ending and spring was just beginning to whisper her presence in our ears the day that this miracle was gifted to me, and through me, to you. My wolfdog companion Ishnahnay and friends were walking the snow covered shore of Castle Lake in Mount Shasta, embracing the amazing beauty that we always found there. When I am in Read More