Consciousness of Water Responding to Harmony Song

Water Heart Response to Harmony song


♥ I invite you to take a journey with me into the consciousness of water, and that of the elements that make up all form on Earth.  Doing so is the golden pathway of co-creating Heaven on Earth. ♥

… Winter was ending and spring was just beginning to whisper her presence in our ears the day that this miracle was gifted to me, and through me, to you. My wolfdog companion Ishnahnay and friends were walking the snow covered shore of Castle Lake in Mount Shasta, embracing the amazing beauty that we always found there.

When I am in nature, I am often inspired to sing what comes from my heart as a blessing of gratitude to the nature spirits.  This day was one of those magical days. What came from me was a gratitude song of the beauty before us and the harmony in which we were choosing to embrace our nature family. 

It was all very lighthearted and joyful. In began in this way …

I AM the Harmonious Presence

I Love You, I thank you, I bless you with all my heart …. ♥

Together Ishnahnay and I wandered down the trail to the shore of the lake, playing in the snow, visiting with the nature spirits, breathing in the glorious fresh air.  Such blessings! 

As we walked along, me singing all the way, I looked into the water close to shore where the snow had melted, but a light covering of ice was still present with the water.  As I looked, my eyes were engaged by this wondrous heart expression! 

Water Heart Response to Harmony song

The water was speaking to me.  She was saying, “I love you too! Harmony, harmony, is indeed our song.”   At once I was One with the water, with the energy of Love, and at the same time, I was in awe of the magic before me.  This amazing heart was over a foot wide, as clear as clear could be.

In reverance to what I was experiencing, I paused sitting upon a rock near the water’s edge , communing, sending love, receiving love.  Perhaps it was my utter delight that caused the water molecules to stay in this expression for so long (30 minutes+).  It was no matter to me at the time, as I was utterly enchanted, smiling from head to toes.

My thoughts went to Dr. Masaru Emoto and his revelations of the consciousness of water.  “How delighted he would be to see this!” I thought. I have always been a great admirer of Dr. Emoto and the great courage and insight it took for him to bring the topic of consciousness into the awareness of humanity the way he did. I encourage everyone to read his books, the first of which is Hidden Messages in Water.

In my continued state of elation and awe, I called to Ishnahnay and showed the heart to her.  “Yes, she said, I see it too”, smiling from ear to ear.

We stood there together for quite some time, soaking up the energy of Love that was passing between us and the water. It was quite amazing! 

There is no doubt that all life is conscious and interconnected.  All life is affected by what we say, feel, and do, so as your awareness grows in how to co-create with Nature through Love, remember these two important components:

  • Be impeccable in your word (The Four Agreements)
  • Embrace and express Reverence for All of Life.

Now as you go about your day, remember that Divine Love expands Light and brings it into its full potential in form.  Share your love first with yourself and God/Creator, then with all of the world. A simple smile, kindness, or expression of gratitude to nature is a wonderful place to begin.

This post is one of many samples of the wisdom and insights that will be in our upcoming book Conscious Communication with Nature

~ Kathryn Shanti Ariel – The Nature Whisperer & CEO of Earthwise Institute