I invite you to enjoy this short talk in which I share wisdom about the universal process of creation; specifically the awareness that Light is the Divine design; Love creates the form and how the Elemental Realms assist in the entire process. With this greater awareness you will begin to be able to create with in a partnership between yourself, the Elementals and the Impersonal/Responsive I AM. Join me & then let me know below in the comments if you have any questions or wish to share personal experiences of your co-creative experiences 🙂 Read More
Tag: nature
Remembering Our Connection with Nature
We are all an intricate part of Nature. During our current journey in form, she is our home. We are sisters and brothers to her in ways that most had forgotten. But now the remembering is occurring. My message here is for everyone to remember that we are One with the consciousness of Nature; every element, animal, plant, stone, …. All of Life. As we and she are all part of God/Creator, this in turn makes us One with and a part of one another. I will suggest here that a primary step in reconnecting with Mother Nature and her kingdoms Read More
Consciousness of Water Responding to Harmony Song
♥ I invite you to take a journey with me into the consciousness of water, and that of the elements that make up all form on Earth. Doing so is the golden pathway of co-creating Heaven on Earth. ♥ … Winter was ending and spring was just beginning to whisper her presence in our ears the day that this miracle was gifted to me, and through me, to you. My wolfdog companion Ishnahnay and friends were walking the snow covered shore of Castle Lake in Mount Shasta, embracing the amazing beauty that we always found there. When I am in Read More
Through Their Song and Wisdom
Wolves, wolfdogs, whales and dolphins are all template carriers for Earth and humanity. Through their song and wisdom of extended family, harmony, and deep awareness of what can be our reality when we place our attention on it, these Beings teach us. Become the watcher. Become the listener. Be the joy and playfulness of the Divine and yet be responsible to the effect you have on everything through your thoughts and actions. These are words that nature speaks to me, to us over and over again. Read More
Hearing the Voices of Nature
Hearing the voice of nature …. It is in the listening and the hearing our true communication is destined to be received; whether between two humans or between humans and other species. Now in this time of forming heaven and earth into physical manifestation, many new templates are being called for formation. Templates of divine healing, divine technology, and communication are three of the many. Read More