Remembering Our Connection with Nature

We are all an intricate part of Nature. During our current journey in form, she is our home. We are sisters and brothers to her in ways that most had forgotten.  But now the remembering is occurring. My message here is for everyone to remember that we are One with the consciousness of Nature; every element, animal, plant, stone, .... All of Life.  As we and she are all part of God/Creator, this in turn makes us One with and a part of one another.

I will suggest here that a primary step in reconnecting with Mother Nature and her kingdoms is consciously connecting with your own body and its multibody system (physical, etheric, mental and emotional/feeling bodies).  Remembering how to listen intuitively to our bodies and the Body Elemental that oversees them is a marvelous first step!

Reconnecting Through Our Physical Bodies

It is time to go beyond the mind in our relationship with Nature and with ourselves.  We are entering a time of the heart, of intuition,  harmony (the circle) and reconnection to the whole.  But where do we begin?

Our reconnection physically through earthing, meditating on the earth, against a tree, standing barefoot in the ocean or a river, are all tangible bridges to Nature that everyone can experience whether you are aware of the voice of Nature yet or not.  It begins with connection. So when you walk barefoot upon Earth, you are in essence connecting with ourselves in a more expansive way.

Many animals communicate with Earth through their feet or  paws, connecting with the frequency and telepathing back and forth to life all around this way.  I must say that I also communicate with Nature through my feet, as walking barefoot is my favorite way to travel when the ground and weather are supportive of my doing so.  Over the years my awareness through my feet has grown so that I am aware of the smallest of creatures in the trail or walkway before I come upon them.  This allows me to stop and say hello, or gleefully step over them with a brief greetings or note of gratitude.


Our Unity Pillar

Earthing also allows us to more easily be aware of our pillar of Light that connects us from Mother Earth's heart to the Soul Star of Creation in the Great Central Sun.  This pillar is also referred to as our Unity Pillar. When present and fully aligned it is a channel of communication of Heaven to Earth through us, thus allowing us to be a conscious part of the cosmic conversation.  But our pillar can become misaligned when we are choosing to be in discord of some type. 

Setting up and connecting with our Unity Pillar is quite simple once you know how to do it.  Here is the link to an mp3 I created for a telesummit a ways back that will walk you through the process:

The more stable our Unity Pillar, the easier your conversation with Nature within you and all around you will become. Feel the pulse of the energy coming through you and enhancing the bond you truly have with all of Life.

Connecting Through Our Heart and Feelings

I will touch briefly here on the the expansion of our heart and feelings in relatioinship with Nature and the development of a conscious conversation with her. As I have stated often, Nature is always speaking with us.  She does so in through a vast array of frequencies and expressions.  The commonality is that all these frequencies and expressions are based in Love and are a reflection of how we see and communicate with her.

If you truly desire to connect with Nature and hear her, the most direct way is through your heart and feeling body.  Our multibody systems and that of Earth and her kingdoms are 70-80% feeling body expressions.  This is a direct correction with Earth being 80% water which is the element of the emotional body, the divine femininne and divine flow.  Our Divine Spark or True Self resides in the heart; our heart and the heart of all Life.  Hence the saying heart to heart, soul to soul.  This is where the essence of unity connects us all.

To connect clearly with our heart and feelings requires that we quiet the mind and choose inner peace. I choose to be in peace.

To connect clearly with our heart and feelings requires that we quiet the mind and choose inner peace and harmony.

I choose to be in peace.

I AM harmony.

I hear the voice of Nature, for she and I are One. ♥

Put aside all that you believe about the consciousness of Nature, especially if those beliefs tell you that we are separate, that we cannot hear one another due to the differences in how we all communicate.  Like the Nature kingdoms that are all around you, your body is speaking to you all of the time.  Put  your hands on your heart, close your eyes, breathe and listen.

I AM One with the God I AM within me,

I AM One with all of Life. 

I See, Hear and Feel You. And my heart is filled with Joy! ♥

Thank you all for remembering our connection and making choices for everyone to be in harmony once again. I will continue this conversation in other posts and in more depth in my upcoming books. Stay tuned.

~ Kathryn Shanti Ariel - The Nature Whisperer

I walk the golden path

I Walk the Golden Path of Wisdom and Illumination