Long have I counted members of the animal kingdom among my teachers and certainly my assistants in both healing and teaching others. As members of Gaia’s Nature kingdoms, animals embody the great genius which is a nature gift of Divine Love, the Mother energy of the Universe as well as Christ Consciousness which is truly part of our Divine Nature as well, when we choose to embody it. A very wise friend of mine once said: “Look into the eyes of unconditional love and you will find yourself.” This friend’s name was Spirithawk, a wolf dog and much honored part of Read More
Tag: animals as teachers
Animals as Teachers and Assistants
A very wise friend of mine once said to me “Look into the eyes of unconditional love and you will find yourself.” This friend’s name was Spirithawk, a wolf dog and much honored part of my family. The animal kingdom as a whole embodies the energy of unconditional love, and as such are profound teachers to all of us as we find our way back to this pure and natural state held within our child self–our innocence. Native Americans and other indigenous peoples have long acknowledged the messages and spiritual power of individual animals. Referred to as “totems,” ceremonies have been Read More