Do You Ever Wonder at the Magical Presences That Are the Creative Forces of Our Universe?
I invite you to enjoy this short talk in which I share wisdom about the universal process of creation; specifically the awareness that Light is the Divine design; Love creates the form and how the Elemental Realms assist in the entire process.
With this greater awareness you will begin to be able to create with in a partnership between yourself, the Elementals and the Impersonal/Responsive I AM.
Join me & then let me know below in the comments if you have any questions or wish to share personal experiences of your co-creative experiences 🙂
From Light’s Design to Love in Form, The Elemental Realms Assist All Life in Being Born
Full Bless All Life Council Video for December 6th
If you would like to enjoy the entire conversation with the Bless All Life Council, then I invite you to also listen to the entire video below. Our council meets almost every Sunday offering a combination of planetary and galactic level Service along with program and tools for transformation to assist those who are just awakening as well as those who have been on a Spiritual path for a while.
Our Council is unique in how we demonstrate setting of energies and including the Multidimensional Realms of Light/Love to assist and guide us in our service and sharing. Enjoy and feel free to ask questions share with others .... Namaste. Om Shanti. ♥∞♥