Greetings and Blessings to all on this beautiful trinity of days we now find ourselves in; the 2020 Summer Solstice and Lunar Eclipse. What powerful times for creation from our hearts through Love we are now in!
In Love I am reaching out to you and to All of Life to say thank you for Being and for Awakening. Thank you for Being and Advocating for a Light and Love filled New Earth daily experiences as individuals and global, universal communities. Indeed it is true that what we focus on with feelings is what we create more and more tangibly everyday.
Be fully aware of your thoughts and feelings. What are you focusing on and intending? Now is the time to co-create Eden on Earth/Gaia and within each and every person, Kingdom, Realm and Element of Life.
I now invite you to join me in this invocation and blessing to Life. Namaste ♥
Solstice-Eclipse Blessing 2020
Through the power of the Violet, White and Opalescence Rays of Transmutation, Purity and Transformation I call for all of Life, all Kingdoms, Realms and Elements to be Loved Free Now!
I AM My Mighty I AM Presence and with a Reverence for all of Life, I AM loving All of Life Free Now!
On this magnificent solstice/eclipse trinity of days, and across all timelines I call for the Resurrection and the Life of the Immaculate Concept of the Diamond Core Templates of Eden/Paradise/Agartha to now be manifest within and through everyone and everything on Earth through the physical plain and throughout our multidimensional Universe and Multiverse.
I envision a conscious, loving, unified global & universal community of Light Love where all Life expressions, all kingdoms & realms, co-create together in Peace, Harmony, Joy and Equality, recognizing that everyone and everything has a valuable contribution in the Creation, Stewardship and Guardianship of Eden/Paradise on Earth/Gaia and throughout our Universe and Multiverse. May all embrace and emanate the circle of Reverence and Respect for all Life that thus emanates Harmony.
May all be blessed with Divine Freedom, Liberty and Justice. May the Immaculate Concept of the Eden Codes be fully activated within everyone and everything now while being simultaneously bathed in the Illumined Truth and Wisdom that will guide us all on our journeys, both embodied and as pure Spirit, now and forever. So Be It! Amen!

Blessings to everyone and everything! Namaste.