Gaia Sends Her Love ~ A Valentine Inspiration

Gaia Sends Love graphic

Beloved Ones, Children of the Sun who walk upon my body bringing Light and Love from above.

Keeping your minds still and compassionate,

 While opening your hearts wide to share the wisdom of the Cosmic ages as it comes to you in sunlight crystals from the air.

We are now in times of great upliftment and change,

There will be those who stay and those who go

No matter the choice that you make, know I Love you one and all.

As the energies build to their crescendo point

freeing those who are ready to return Home to unity,

I ask you to take a few moments with me, to remember who we are as One.

I am once again claiming the pathway of Love and Unity

I invite you lovingly to do the same.

We are all part of the great circle of Source, everyone and everything.

I invite you in Love to walk with me each day.

Feel my Love and remember that all else is but a dream

A dream of illusion whose time it is to end.

Take my hand, and I yours, let us walk again on the path of One

Feel your body changing as mine does so as well.

As together we walk the path of Love back Home where we all belong.

Remember, remember the Love/Light family that all form is to you.

Love them as a brother, a sister, in Source this is the Truth.

We are One great family, in a circle so Divine,

Now put your hand, your heart, in mine

Come through the doorway of the Divine.

Let Love be your pathway and your strength

As Light illumines the way.

I am your Earth Mother, your sister and your friend.

Walk with me and Love me, as I do Love you so dearly.

I am in every tree, every stone, every flower, animal and drop of water

I Am all that I Am

And you and I are One.   ♥∞♥