The Request
The restoration of our ability to be in conscious communication with nature also involves the restoration of our conscious communication with the higher realms of Creation, those which are often referred to as the Company or Host of Heaven. Nature is in constant communication with God and the Company of Heaven, and yet it is we humans that have a great ability to see the imbalances of the world and create clarion calls to Mother/Father/God for assistance to all of Life.
Being aware of the voices of nature, allows us to be advocates and stewards of life on a multi-dimensional level. Do you hear the voices of nature asking for help? Do you know how to respond? Here is an example of how I allow myself to actively do so. Listening from the heart and with a quiet mind is key to this process.
While journaling today the great challenges of heavy metals in Earth's (Gaia's) environment, their use in foods, vaccinations, and sprays came clearly into my awareness. As they did, so did my understanding that the elements which are the building blocks of form in the 3D were often being used for destructive purposes against their Will.
As the vision of this came into my mind, I heard myself ask the Company of Heaven without thinking "What if anything can be done at this time to free the metal elements; all elements, that are being used to poison humanity and the nature kingdoms? Does a decree or other call exist for this purpose?"
Almost immediately I heard, "We will create one and let you know. Meanwhile, use the Resurrection calls that you have now." Upon receiving this message I sat and breathed while inwardly scanning the decrees I use on a regular basis. as I did so, the following new decree came in from the Company of Heaven:
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with Mother/Father/God the Entire Company of Heaven.
In Unity I AM One with all those serving the Light as part of the Elemental and Angelic kingdoms.
In Unity and Reverence I AM One with the I AM Presence of all Gaia/Mother Earth's kingdoms of Life, including Humanity.
(Repeat the following 3x)
Transmute, transmute by God's Violet and White Diamond Light all misuse of Elements and Elementals, cause, core, affect, record and memory, NOW !
We are all Beings of Cause alone, that Cause is Love the sacred tone.
Restore, restore ALL elements NOW to Divine Right form, Divine Right Action and Divine Harmony!
Divine Freedom to all! (3x) Fully sustained throughout eternity by Divine Love, Will and Grace.
I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the Diamond Code Templates of Eden/Paradise/Shambala Now made manifest and fully sustaining for all of Life on and as Gaia/Earth and all of our Universe!
So Be It!
Almighty I AM(3x)
♥ We invite you to participate in joining with us in speaking this decree on behalf of the elements, Elementals and Mother Nature of which our bodies, all form is a part. If you feel so aligned, please make the call daily or as often as you feel is purposeful.
We have been told that decrees and prayers, especially those spoken aloud, are multiplied in power 1,000 fold by the Company of Heaven through Divine dispensation.
We are also grateful to you for sharing this call with others as doing so will increase the field of energy for the blessings of all concerned.
May all be blessed, and May the Bells of Freedom Ring now and throughout eternity!
All Mighty I AM, All Mighty I AM. All Mighty I AM that I AM!
So Be It! ♥