New Year Inspiration

2025 Year of Fulfillment


Well another year come and gone.  And what a year it was!  Now we step into 2025 which promises to be a year of fulfillment.  So I encourage you all to open your hearts and feel the receiving, the fulfillment of your dreams and Divine Mission. 

I received the inspiration that I am sharing below on Christmas morning as I was sitting all bundled up outside on our patio. The sky was brilliant blue with natural clouds and ship clouds spotting it as far as the eye could see.

I love such days and often settle in for a good conversation with the Divine when they occur.  It is my hope that the message will inspire and uplift you as well as opening your hearts to a new definition of what our extended family of Light is truly intended to be. 

Namaste. Om Shanti. ~ Emmaray Kumara 

P.S.  What is Song of the Dove Foundation?  Stay tuned ....

Christmas morning sitting all bundled up outside to take in the grand morning light. So poignant these days with all the new codes and frequencies coming into the Earth and surrounding planets of our solar system at this time.

What a blessing!  My pen is a bit cold, impairing the inks flow, so I pause to warm it in the blankets which surround my legs. Ah, that is so much better. Now the ink is flowing, and I can share the words that are here for me to share with you on this magnificent day.

How symbolic that is for the cold to impair the ink flow, the voice, the choice of sharing wisdom, sharing Love, sharing Gratitude. And yet when we bring our desired flow close to our heart, to our warmth within the enfoldment of our garment; body temple, then the flow begins again. Now with greater enthusiasm and ability to be present with the movement of the inspired energy.

How symbolic this is of our lives in general. When we contract and resist due to the cold, due to an idea, due to a hesitation or disconnect from our Presence/GodSelf in a moment of time. Yet when we reconnect, and we open hearts, calm our minds, and go deeply into the possibility, the potential of the moment, asking “how do I wish to express myself in this moment?”

Is it through Joy? Is it through Gratitude? Is there something troubling me that is asking to surface? When this is so, we also always call in the Sacred Fire, Violet Fire, to allow us to release what no longer serves us into the transmutational vortex created by this Divine frequency. Thus, we are relieved of this discord, as are Gaia/Mother Earth and her elements.  All are blessed in this process.

The flow is once more.  The flow of peace.  The flow of gratitude, of healing occurs again by letting go of what no longer serves.  Then refilling the vortex created by the clearing with Divine Love, Harmony, Peace, Purity, … and that which does serve your and Life’s highest and best outcome. 

We are on such a journey, and as part of this journey I am once again reaching out and reminding everyone of the Elemental realms, the realms of Light/Love/Magik, the Weavers, all these beautiful ones.  Please remember and be grateful for these, our brothers and sisters of the Light in your day-to-day activities.

They once shared this planet with us openly, lovingly, respectfully.  Sharing across cultures with the 13 original tribes of the I Am Race and the 1st Nations People. The time is once again coming for this planet in her uplifted, ascended state to be shared between the 13 Tribes and the Elemental tribes themselves in Divine peace, harmony and reverence.

Joining in with this sharing are all the realms, kingdoms of Nature and our Galactic and Ascended families.  Our Light family is vast!  The family of Creation is vast! And it is so diverse and exquisite, with so much Divine love and wisdom to share amongst us all. This of course allows for the growth, the expansion and the evolution of each and every one as we come together in Reverence, Peace, Harmony, and curiosity along with a willingness to share and learn.

The time is upon us to open our hearts beyond the constricted state that has been the norm within humanity for eons of time. Like my pen, when the ink was not flowing, and I could not write the wisdom, because it was not coming to me and through me due to the constriction of the cold.  In many ways, these millions of years since the I Am Race came to Gaia, then stepped down their frequency and closed the Door to the Soul, life has been in a constricted state.

Thus, the Divine flow has been obstructed.  The flow of Divine wisdom and the Truth of Life (Light/Love=Life) has been constricted or blocked entirely.  And through that constriction, all of life has been adversely affected. But now …, now, we are opening back into the Pathway of Love, Divine Love. 

Stepping into 2025, this beautiful new pathway gives so much opportunity for everyone and everything, whether the Soul/Spirit is staying with Gaia through her ascension or moving off somewhere else to continue its evolution.

So, the expansion opportunity to open your heart and your mind to accept and rejoice in the diversity of all of Life is before us. I encourage you to go beyond the human and remember even with the diversity of countries and languages, there really are only 13 Tribes: root races in human form. It is time for us to come together again.  Then expand the circle to include the Elemental realms.  The Elvin, the Dragons, Faries, Dwarves.  So many diverse Beings. Plus, again our Galactic & Star families.

So again, I reach out to you on this glorious day and beyond and remind you lovingly to open your hearts in gratitude, recognize the incredible diversity of consciousness that is everywhere.  Notice how much has been hidden or has hidden itself away due to the discord that the human illusion of separation has created on Earth.

Rejoice that this is all ending now! We are moving forward & upward on the pathway of Divine Love. Love whose opposite is Light, and whose partners are Unity and Cosmic Truth.  The incoming energies command us to open our hearts, quiet our minds and once again step into the Divine Flow of Oneness, the Great Circle of Life.

Welcome the entire family of Light back into your conscious awareness and allow yourself to be welcomed by them as well. For welcomed in Peace you are!  The call to return Home to Oneness is loud and strong now.  There is so much Wisdom and Divine Love to share. Life’s evolution ever continues.

Namaste. Om Shanti.  Let Oneness return into your Being in all its glory and grace and the memory of our extended family in its Divine forms return into your heart and the mind once again. I leave you in Gratitude and Love. May All Life Be Blessed.


Message by Emmaray Kumara ~ The Nature Whisperer