Cosmic Truth ~ Oneness Summit Continues

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Greetings & Blessings to All 🌞

I send you my Love from the UK & Ireland where I am currently traveling and connecting deeply with the amazing Nature realms of this region. Such beauty and so many who are activity seeking the Cosmic Truth of Life to be restored to our awakened consciousness.

In these great times of change, the Illumined Truth ~ Cosmic Truth is calling to every Soul/Spirit in form on our beautiful planet. Are you ready to receive a greater expansion of Cosmic Truth knowledge?

Can You feel the call ?

We are in the midst of the accelerated, powerful shift of our planet,

We are standing on the threshold of the New World,

We are pioneering the New Golden Age !

Open up to the sweet guidance of your Soul …

To Illuminate Your True Essence,

To Come into Oneness,

To Reclaim Your Cosmic Truth !

 Now is the time for COSMIC TRUTH !

Yes! To Join Us for this wonderful free 5 day series. October 14th through the 18th click on the link and sign up now..Cosmic Truth ~ Oneness. Illuminating Your Divine Essence

Remember, it is free to enjoy and the gifts are many. I look forward to feeling your Presence and to having conversations with you about the wisdom that is shared by the many brilliant speakers.

Much Love,

Emmaray Kumara

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