Overview of the Conscious Communication & Co-Creation Project
Vision Description
The reconnection with Nature and the Spirit in all of Life (Christ Consciousness) is a critical part of the actualization of Heaven on/as Earth (Gaia/Aria). I see and am capable of overseeing the creation of programs both for the individual and groups; digital or out in Nature, that reestablish multidimensional depth of awareness & skills to assist children & adults alike in embodying conscious co-creation abilities with Nature and all Realms of Light/Love/Life. This is part of restoring Paradise on Gaia/Aria through a reverence for all of Life. The programs will include the following components and more: Sacred Geometry in Nature and the creative process
- Sacred Geometry in Nature
- The Doctrine of Signatures
- Light is Design, Love is Form
- Animal & Nature communication to facilitate deeper sensory awareness & co-creation with the kingdoms of Nature/Creation
- Animals as Teachers
- Multidimensional Awareness & Divine Mastery - communication & cocreation with the unseen realms of Light/Love/Life
- Interweaving science & spiritual knowledge for positive co-creation
- Energetic & Physical Guardianship of Gaia/Aria & her kingdoms of Life
- Wheel of co-creation
The overall focus of our Conscious Communication & Co-Creation with Nature Project will be achieved through a variety of tools whose focus includes:
- The expansion of people's awareness to our multidimensional nature
- Raising of their frequencies to allow easier expansion of this truth
- The reawakening of humanities’ awareness that all of Life is conscious and always communicating with us in ways that we can comprehend and respond to through Love.
- The support and guidance of the remembering/learning how to use our innate skills of intuition, telepathy and other Divine senses to receive and share clear and meaningful communications with all kingdoms and realms of Life.
- Teaching/guiding people of all ages how to co-create with the kingdoms and realms of Nature through Harmony, Reverence and Joy.

Project/Program Components
- Primary Books
- A Walk in the Forest with Ishnahnay the Wolfdog
- Conscious Communication and CoCreation with Nature
- Online programs (multiple languages)
- Combinations of written, audio and video material along with exercises to put theory into practical application and then to further using the senses to communicate the experiences.
- Examples of program foci: Sacred Geometry in Nature; the Doctrine of Signatures, Light is Design, Love is Form; Animal & Nature communication; Multidimensional Awareness & Divine Mastery; Interweaving science & spiritual knowledge for positive co-creation; Energetic & Physical Guardianship of Gaia/Aria & her kingdoms of Life; Wheel of co-creation
- Online/in-person learning centers or outdoor schools:
- Teacher/Facilitator certification programs
- Conscious Communication & Co-Creation techniques & how to guide children & adults in regaining these skills.
- Certification for facilitators to then use in existing schools, homeschooling, etc.
- Nature Whisperer Apprentice programs
- Interactive Nature tutorial app for computers & phones - for homeschooling & self -guided learning.